- HWK 30 War Chest: $87.99 (20% Off)
- HWK 30 Ultimate: $69.99 (15% Off)
- HWK 30 Loaded: $49.99 (12% Off)
- HWK 30: $29.99
If you're the owner of a Premium Account, we've got a special Pre-Sale offer — it's the latest addition to the German nation!
As a light tank, the HWK 30 can quickly sneak to favorable positions, where its outstanding 410-meter view range is put to good use. Typical German gun accuracy allows the Tier VIII vehicle to defend itself — plus, defauit APCR ammo shells are also an advantage.
Plus, as a Tier VIII vehicle, the HWK 30 is eligible for Frontline! Did we mention Episode 2 starts March 11? Now you know!
Each HWK 30 sold during the Pre-Sale period includes a Rental Bonus Code (quantities depend on the bundle purchased). You can send the code to a friend or donate it!
Offer Starts: Mar. 9, 03:20 PT | 05:20 CT | 06:20 ET
Offer Ends: Mar. 11, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
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OK, so why would you want to buy a Premium Account? Let's review the benefits: