Frontline: Episode 2 is Here!


STARTS: March 11 at 04:00 PT | 06:00 CT | 07:00 ET
ENDS: March 18 at 01:00 PT | 03:00 CT | 04:00 ET
CEASE-FIRE: Daily at 01:00-04:00 PT | 03:00-06:00 CT | 04:00-07:00 ET

Frontline 2019: Episode 2 will be available for one week, on NA servers. This is your chance to participate in and experience epic 30v30 battles, win heaps of rewards, and join the race for formidable reward tanks!

Also, we’ve got intel on Episode 3. It starts on April 15 at 04:00 PT | 06:00 CT | 07:00 ET on NA servers, until April 22 at 01:00 PT | 03:00 CT | 04:00 ET. Get ready for even more epic battles!  

Find out all the details, including rewards and precise specifications, in our dedicated "Frontline: Regulations" article.


Wait — Where Can I Find Frontline in the Game?

At the Garage screen, click on "Random Battle" (to the right of the big red "Battle!" button) at the top of the screen.

Select "Frontline" from the pull-down menu. Select a Tier VIII vehicle, and then click the "Battle!" button. 

Keep the Feedback Coming!

After Episode 1, we received a lot of feedback. We're very pleased Frontline added a bit more variety to your daily combat experience in Random Battles.

Our statistics clearly show most of you with Tier VIII vehicles regularly fought in Frontline and played throughout the first Episode. Keep it up, Commanders!

Episode 2 is your first opportunity to earn a Reward Tank!

Episode 2, you can reach Prestige Level IV, the maximum at this point. By hitting this level, you can get your hands on the first reward tank, the STA-2, a versatile Japanese Tier VIII support vehicle with a good balance of mobility and firepower.

Don’t forget your progression in Frontline will allow you to earn other formidable tanks, including:

  • The WZ-111, a Chinese heavy tank featuring high DPM and sloped armor
  • The Emil 1951, a Frontline-exclusive vehicle with an autoloader
  • A secret Tier IX vehicle

Choose your rewards wisely as there are not enough Prestige Points for all four!

NOTE: We continue to monitor statistics, your feedback and, in general, how the revamped Frontline performs on all servers. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve your the mode, feel free to post them on the forum. If you have any pressing questions regarding Regulations, ask us and we will try to answer them in future publications.

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