French Lights Duo Offer: ELC Even 90 & AMX 13 57

In preparation for the introduction of French wheeled vehicles into World of Tanks, we've got special offers on two of the top light tanks in the game — the ELC EVEN 90 and AMX 13 57. These machines have a two-fold benefit for players interested in wheeled vehicles:

  1. These lights have some characteristics similar to wheeled vehicles — namely high speeds, light armor, and active scouting
  2. You can train French light tank Crews in these machines; when wheeled vehicles arrive, you'll be ready to hit the battlefield with a seasoned team at the controls

Even if you aren't interested in wheeled vehicles, these lights pack a punch.

ELC EVEN 90: A slippery demon that packs a nasty 90 mm bite and is difficult to spot, it nibbles at bigger tanks while remaining an elusive target. Let enemies chase you around to leave them open to attack, or use hit-and-run tactics to annoy them to no end. Among all Tier VIII light tanks in the game, the ELC EVEN 90 has the second-highest ratings for top speed, alternative shell penetration, and standard shell damage — not to mention superb camouflage!

AMX 13 57: Packs a 57 mm, eight-round autoloader cannon, and it can fill the role of active and passive scout! The vehicle has the highest ratings for HP, dispersion at 100 m, and view range ratings among all Tier VII lights in the game — plus, as the non-GF version, you can customize its exterior however you like!

Each vehicle comes in four bundles with various equipment, boosters, and other items, or you can get both tanks in the French Lights Duo package for a sweet discount!

Special Offer: French Lights Duo

Jan. 24-Feb. 4, 03:20 PT | 05:20 CT | 06:20 ET


French Lights Duo

  • VIII ELC EVEN 90  
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the ELC EVEN 90
  • 100% Crew
  • VII AMX 13 57  
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the AMX 13 57
  • 100% Crew
  • 2xGarage Slots

(13% OFF)


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