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Booster Brilliance!

Introduced with Update 9.8, Personal Reserves give you the ability to add limited-time boosters to increase your earnings in battle! Typically earned by fulfilling specific missions, booster bundles are also available in the Premium Shop. Stock up on XP boosters and give yourself a boost whenever you need it!

Starts: Friday, July 17, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)
Ends: Saturday, August 1, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)

XP Boost Pack: Small - $4.99

Booster: +15% XP Bonus
Duration: 2 hours (unlimited lifetime)
Quantity: 7

XP Boost Pack: Medium - $9.99

Booster: +15% XP Bonus
Duration: 2 hours (unlimited lifetime)
Quantity: 15

XP Boost Pack: Large - $14.99

Booster: +15% XP Bonus
Duration: 2 hours (unlimited lifetime)
Quantity: 25

