Meet the AMX Canon d’assaut 105!

The AMX Canon d'assaut 105 (AMX Cda 105) is the latest addition to the French TD family! It has a style different than that of the Fochs: a 105mm gun, small profile, and high speed. If you’re a fan of stealthy  long-range support vehicles, this TD is a must-have!

We also have four missions exclusive for the AMX Cda 105, Pachelbel Canon 105 and a Personal Reserves grab bag with our XP Booster Variety Pack!

AMX Canon d'assaut 105 | Pachelbel Canon 105 | XP Booster Variety Pack

Premium Tank Sale:
AMX Canon d'assaut 105

Oct. 19-Nov. 6, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)

  • AMX Canon d'assaut 105 Ultimate: $99.99 (25% Off)
  • AMX Canon d'assaut 105 Loaded: $79.99
  • AMX Canon d'assaut 105: $47.99
AMX Canon d'assaut 105 Ultimate: $99.99 (25% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII AMX Canon d'assaut 105
  • 1xGarage slot
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +300%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +200%Free XP (1 hour)
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +100%XP (1 hour)
  • 6,500 Gold
  • 3,000,000 Credits
  • GetXP for the first 60 wins in the AMX Canon d'assaut 105

Note: These missions can only be completed in the AMX Canon d'assaut 105, and expire on February 1, 2018.


AMX Canon d'assaut 105 Loaded: $79.99

Bundle Contents:


AMX Canon d'assaut 105 Fact File

Speed: A power-to-weight ratio of over 26 hp per ton lets you travel at high speeds across the battlefield. The AMX Cda 105 has no trouble reaching its top speed of 55 km/h.
Stealth: The camouflage value is easily one of the highest in the game, thanks to the low silhouette. With the right equipment and Crew skills, enemies will never know what hit them!
Accuracy: Accuracy and aiming time are another strong point of this French tank destroyer.
APCR standard shells: The cannon fires APCR shells by default, which cuts down on required lead-aim, and increases the chance of hitting an enemy. Premium shells are HEAT.

Pachelbel Canon 105 Missions

Oct. 19-23, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)

  • Mission: Damage Continuo
  • Mission: First Canon
  • Mission: Second Canon
  • Mission: Third Canon
  • Main Mission
Mission: Damage Continuo


  • 4xStrong Coffee

Conditions: Cause at least 14,000 damage over any number of battles in the AMX Canon d'assaut 105


  • Once per account
  • Random, Grand, 7v7 unranked Team Battles, Skirmishes, and Strongholds
Mission: First Canon


  • 1xSmall Repair Kit

Conditions: Cause at least 12,000 damage over any number of battles in the AMX Canon d'assaut 105


  • Complete "Damage Continuo" mission
  • Once per account
  • Random, Grand, 7v7 unranked Team Battles, Skirmishes, and Strongholds
Mission: Second Canon


  • 2xSmall Repair Kit

Conditions: Cause at least 10,000 damage over any number of battles in the AMX Canon d'assaut 105


  • Complete "First Canon" mission
  • Once per account
  • Random, Grand, 7v7 unranked Team Battles, Skirmishes, and Strongholds
Mission: Third Canon


  • 3xSmall Repair Kit

Conditions: Cause at least 8,000 damage over any number of battles in the AMX Canon d'assaut 105


  • Complete "Second Canon" mission
  • Once per account
  • Random, Grand, 7v7 unranked Team Battles, Skirmishes, and Strongholds
Main Mission


  • 1xMedium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer

Conditions: Complete "Damage Continuo," "First Canon," "Second Canon," and "Third Canon" missions in the AMX Canon d'assaut 105


  • Once per account

XP Booster Variety Pack

Oct. 19-Nov. 6, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)

  • XP Booster Variety Pack: $34.99 (23% Off)
XP Booster Variety Pack: $34.99 (23% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • 20x Personal Reserves: +300%Crew XP (2 hour)
  • 20x Personal Reserves: +300%Free XP (2 hour)
  • 20x Personal Reserves: +100%XP (2 hour)


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