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WoT Champs and Tourneys: Past, Present, Future

25/07/2011 General News

The new blog article named WoT Champs and Tourneys: Past, Present, Future is given in Developers Blog. E_Bragin, World of Tanks event manager, speaks about 1st Championship World of Tanks CBT, WoT US OPEN Championship, WOT Battle League, Ural Steel Championship and The Drill, the most famous and important championships held on World of Tanks battlefields. E_Bragin highlights the aims and the main goals achieved with the help of such terrific events.

"However I am sure the Finals proved that both Europeans and Americans are in great shape and have unlimited potential for improvement. EU and US teams did show certain bravery to make fast and unexpected decisions. Personally I look forward to seeing US participants once again and see how they have progressed.
As I said once… let’s not talk about Ural Steel anymore! Moreover we have a more interesting topic for discussion."

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