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World of Tanks on Your Steam

20/05/2011 General News

Steam is a platform for digital distribution and communications, sort of a social network that unites players from around the globe. It allows you to find someone to play with, meet up with friends, see when your friends are online or playing games and join the same games together, connect with groups of similar interests, host and join chats, matches, and tournaments.

The recent poll conducted on all game servers showed huge popularity of Steam service among the WOT players. And as it is always more captivating and interesting to play with friends or like-minded people, you may want to use Steam to organize reliable cooperation and communication with your soul mates. Together with them you will be able to show a fantastic battle performance being a part of the same platoon, tank company, or even clan with your soul mates.

Moreover Steam is not only perfect communication means, WOT players can take advantage of Steam services in many ways.

To find out more, read the latest post in our blog.
