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Winners of Clan Propaganda Poster Contest

12/07/2011 General News

Each clan recruits soldiers, thus each clan requires a clan propaganda poster in order to attract more warriors and raise highly motivated clan members. World of Tanks suggested the tankers to design their own posters arising patriotic feelings in nations, to help the existing forces, or simply to make someone 'join the army'.

Many works were presented for the contest, all of them you can see in this forum topic. But three of the submitted masterpieces were considered to be best.

Drover presented a well-done clan propaganda poster, which brings him 6,000 gold!

The runner-up is LezbianSeagull whose poster will be awarded with 4,500 gold.

And the third place goes to Coneman, his reward of 3,000 gold was deserved by making this poster.

Congratulations to winners and welcome to further partaking!
