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Wargamer: Clank, clank, I’m a tank!

26/04/2011 General News

Wargamer gives a jolly review of World of Tanks, in which the game is described from a newcomer's point of view.

Racy words and funny terms will easily get you down to play World of Tanks. Such kind of explanation can be used as a real guide to starting the game!

Nevertheless, the source names gamers' complaints, and among them is the artillery matter - some say it's overpowered, others counter the fact that arty is fragile like an eggshell.

" have created an outstanding game which will suck hours of my life away for some time to come. This is a game which rewards team play and good decisions, a game easy to play but not so easy to master, lovingly built from the chassis up, a tank buff’s delight and a game which often favors the bold but just as often drops them in their...tracks. Clank, clank, I’m a tank..."

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