Unified Premium Account


We're pleased to announce the introduction of Unified Premium accounts. With their introduction, your pre-existing Premium account will be updated without any additional cost, now granting you Premium access for all games from Wargaming.net! With this reinvention of the Premium account, the Wargaming.net universe will become a fully interactive system, making it simple for players to maintain Premium time across all of our games without any additional expenses!

A Unified Premium account can be purchased in any of the Wargaming.net games just the same way that standard Premium time was purchased formerly. The difference is that the effects of the Premium account -- 50% extra Credits and XP per battle and special garages/hangars -- will no longer just apply to the game through which you bought the account. You'll now enjoy these Premium bonuses across all of our games on the same server!

For example: when you buy Premium time in World of Tanks, the Premium account is now also automatically activated for World of Warplanes. Once World of Warships goes live, your Premium account will be applied there, too, as well as across any other projects in the future. The best part for all of this is that the price of Premium won’t change.

Thanks again for being part of the exciting Wargaming.net universe. Roll out!

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