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Tanking Good Time

19/08/2011 General News

Day three of the greatest expo in the gaming industry worldwide has just started. For some of our players it started with “party talks”. Yesterday evening party at Bootshaus gathered over 2,000 guests including developers and players only. With a lot of quality music from well-known German DJs the party went on till 5 a.m.

Today despite rainy and sad weather here in Cologne, Gamescom 2011 is unbelievably hot and lively. The number of early visitors is huge. They literally slammed through all the doors leading to expo halls. The MMO hall is busy as usual.

One can easily tell today World of Tanks booth will be full of good old tank commanders. They are determined to get to the booth and occupy a free place in front of a laptop. By the way is possibly the only developer offering to try the game out using a laptop instead of a PC.  All the laptops are branded and the accounts used by Gamescom players are truly enviable. Basically any desirable vehicle can be chosen to destroy the enemies or scout for the artillery, or be the artillerists themselves!

Although another expo day has just started, a bunch of gifts have already been given away.  World of Tanks T-shirt are the biggest hit among all the giveaway gifts, including pay-save cards. A premium account can also be received as a present by expo visitors. At the same time the most desirable gift is definitely a powerful gaming laptop that would go to the winner of the Open tournament held daily at World of Tanks booth. Today the hours of the tourney are different. It will be finished at 5p.m. local time. The conditions are still the same. Anyone can play two battles and their best result will be noted down. In the end of the day all the results will be compared and winners named.

Apart from that today we are going to SHOW you what the expo is like. If you do not have a chance to see it with your own eyes, Wargaming TV News Block will come opportunely! Follow us in the news, on Facebook and Twitter and you won’t miss out on the most interesting bits!
