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As we continue to produce new content for World of Tanks, it's become clear that many of our players are interested in the obscure (but creative) tank designs that came out of the World War II era. We did some serious digging, and are pleased to announce a new vehicle for the Soviet forces: the ST-2T spherical tank!
As most of you are well aware, Wargaming prides itself on portraying vehicles with a great deal of historical accuracy. Even if it existed only in blueprints, we take the time to do our research before we deploy it to our battlefields. The ST-2T did see one instance of combat, but was never mass produced. Expect the vehicle to peform the same role a lot of medium tanks typically adopt. However, it, and a few others, will be situated on an offshoot of the Soviet heavy branch. They'll be fast moving and pack a mean punch.
If you're interested in the history of this unusual vehicle we've posted a brief synopsis of its origins in the forum post. Just to give you an idea of what the tank model will look like in-game, take look at a few of the photos from the archive below.
Keep in mind that this is an advanced announcement. It will take some time to play-test these tank before we have a release date. We'll have screenshots of the new in-game models soon!