Sandbox: Test HD Maps Starting October 11

It’s been nearly a year since we started showing new maps, and now we’re inviting you to get hands-on with them. As the work on visual advancement continues, we’re dispatching 12 completely reworked arenas to the Sandbox server. From the textures to the lighting to the environments and more, these remasters add greater depth, beauty, and realism to their battlefields. Apply to see it for yourself and help us as we polish maps leading to release.


Although we kept key gameplay-defining elements where they are, our enhancements made a huge difference to the look and feel of gameplay. That’s why the graphical overhaul begins on Sandbox. It gives us time to read your feedback, identify places where further tweaks make sense, and implement them to ultimately deliver a fine-tuned experience to production servers.

The second (but no less important) priority for us is performance. Changes this massive demand a lot from your graphics cards. So we put extra work to optimize stability and frame rate on medium settings and older PCs, while maintaining the improved visual fidelity. The Sandbox allows us to test graphical changes in the wild, see how they perform on different configurations, and further optimize the system.

This is a group effort, and we’re all trying to make the game better by working together. Apply to check out the changes and let’s get more discussion going where needed! And visit the Sandbox for a detailed preview of the upcoming test.

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