The New Ranked Battles 2021–2022 Season Begins!

Thanks for your feedback on Season X, Commanders! This experiment has proven to be very useful and informative, so we decided to keep the 10v10 Ranked Battles format!

One of the most competitive modes in which the most skillful players decide who’s the strongest returns to World of Tanks with three new Seasons and some important changes. It brings with it heaps of rewards for good performance in combat, including fresh 2D styles, Bonds, Gold, and more! But the ultimate prize for all three Seasons is the brand-new Chinese 114 SP2 Tier X tank destroyer, which is exclusive to Ranked Battles. Read up on all the latest features and changes for the upcoming Season!

Learn more about Ranked Battles on a separate page in the game client with information about the core rules and rewards.

Ranked Battles 2021-2022: Season 1 Dates
Monday, Sept. 6 at 11:00 PT | 13:00 CT | 14:00 ET Monday, Sept. 20 at 06:00 PT | 08:00 CT | 09:00 ET
PRIME TIME Weekdays: PRIME TIME Weekends:
16:00–23:00 PT | 18:00–01:00 CT | 19:00–02:00 ET 16:00–00:00 PT | 18:00–02:00 CT | 19:00–03:00 ET

General Overview and Progression System

Thanks to all the active Commanders who participated in Season X and shared their feedback, we are now ready to move forward with the new 10v10 format in the coming year.

The first Season of Ranked Battles 2021–2022 will run for two weeks: from September 6 through September 20. You can earn Battle Pass Points when fighting in Ranked Battles, and their number will depend on your position in your team’s post-battle ranking by XP earned. Even if your team lost or drew, you will still receive points.

Top 3 by XP earned 7 5
Top 7 by XP earned 5 3

No more than one SPG and two light tanks per team will be allowed in battles.

To move from one rank to another to qualify for Leagues, you need to earn 94 chevrons.

  • Division III
  • Division II
  • Division I
Permanent rank
Permanent rank
Permanent rank
Permanent rank
Permanent rank
Rank shield
Permanent rank
Permanent rank
Rank shield

Chevrons will be credited according to the following rules:

Daily Missions for Different Vehicle Roles

As soon as you qualify for a League, you’ll be able to complete special daily missions. There will be three missions in total, and each one can be completed in vehicles of four different roles. This means that missions for 12 different vehicle roles will be available. These missions will reward you with Bonds and Daily Bonus Battles.

Role Experience has been introduced to Ranked Battles to refine the way you play your favorite vehicles. It is earned after every battle, according to your performance (damage, destroy enemies, help allies) and your conduct on the battlefield. Learn more about different vehicle roles and how to get as much Role XP as possible in the widget below.

Hail of Fire
Cause at least 3,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles in a battle playing in a vehicle that belongs to one of the following roles: Support Heavy Tank, Sniper Medium Tank, Sniper Tank Destroyer, Support Tank Destroyer.
Daily Bonus Battle
Place on Awards Stand
End up among the top 3 players on your team by XP earned playing in a vehicle that belongs to one of the following roles: Assault Heavy Tank, Breakthrough Heavy Tank, Assault Medium Tank, Assault Tank Destroyer.
Daily Bonus Battle
Master of Their Trade
Earn at least 150 points of Role Experience in a battle playing in a vehicle that belongs to one of the following roles: Versatile Heavy Tank, Versatile Medium Tank, Support Medium Tank, Versatile Tank Destroyer.
Daily Bonus Battle

Fight to the Last to Earn a Heap of Rewards!

The opening Season of Ranked Battles features tons of valuable rewards for good performance in battle. Meet your worthy Tier X opponents and fight to the last to earn:

  • Bonds
  • Days of WoT Premium Account
  • Gold
  • Directives
  • Striking 2D custom looks
  • Additional rewards!

In the Qualification, you will be rewarded with Directives and Credits. We’ve also redistributed the prizes and increased the number of credits you can earn in the higher Divisions to make the game more enjoyable. The full reward pool can be found in the widget below.

  • Qualification
  • Division III
  • Division II
  • Division I
  • Bronze League
  • Silver League
  • Golden League
500,000 Credits
Fuel Filter Replacement
Exhaust Insulation
Polished Lens
1,600 Bonds
500 Gold
750,000 Credits
1 Day of WoT Premium Account
Large First Aid Kit
Large Repair Kit
Automatic Fire Extinguisher
Orderly Ammo Rack
Vent Purge
Stabilizer Greasing
Aim Tuning
Optical Calibration
Experienced Firefighters
Increased Focus
Personal Reserve: +50% to XP for 2 h
2,050 Bonds
500 Gold
1,500,000 Credits
3 Days of WoT Premium Account
Large First Aid Kit
Large Repair Kit
Automatic Fire Extinguisher
Orderly Ammo Rack
Vent Purge
Stabilizer Greasing
Aim Tuning
Optical Calibration
Experienced Firefighters
Increased Focus
Personal Reserve: +50% to XP for 2 h
2,500 Bonds
1,000 Gold
2,000,000 Credits
3 Days of WoT Premium Account
Orderly Ammo Rack
Vent Purge
Stabilizer Greasing
Aim Tuning
Personal Reserve: +50% to XP for 2 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP for 2 h
Personal Reserve: +300% to Free XP for 2 h
Fuel Filter Replacement
Exhaust Insulation
Polished Lens
Bronze League 2D Style
Bronze Legionnaire Badge
Silver League 2D Style
Silver Legionnaire Badge
Golden League 2D Style
Golden Legionnaire Badge

Season rewards also include an updated 2D style for Tier X vehicles, one for each League, which is exclusive to Ranked Battles. To retain this honorable style, you will need to participate in future Seasons. Plus, you will receive an exclusive badge for each League that you can apply as a mark of glory and mastery.

Bronze League 2D Style
Silver League 2D Style
Gold League 2D Style

The 114 SP2: Meet the Chinese Predator!

The ultimate reward for all three Seasons is the brand-new Chinese 114 SP2 Tier X tank destroyer. It features a fully rotating turret mounted to the center of the hull, just like classic tanks. Thanks to this hallmark, you can play more actively and react quickly to changes in the combat situation.

The 114 SP2 also boasts excellent dynamics and can easily change flanks or retreat swiftly, if necessary. Its 152 mm gun with good elevation angles (–7° / +20°), high accuracy, and short aiming time allow you to effectively hit opponents from a long distance. The 114 SP2 sacrifices armor for greater mobility, but it can perform brilliantly as a menacing support vehicle or a dangerous long-range sniper.

The parameters displayed are valid for the vehicle with each crew member trained to 100% major qualification level. Some vehicle characteristics can be further improved with the Commander's bonus to major qualification level, crew perks, and skills, as well as special in-game items.
Main Characteristics
114 SP2
Average Damage
650/650/840 HP
Average Penetration
273/329/90 mm
Hit Points
2,000 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
45/18 km/h
Commander (Radio Operator)
Average Damage
650/650/840 HP
Gun Reload Time
14.4 s
Average Penetration
273/329/90 mm
35 shells
Dispersion at 100 m
0.32 m
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
−7/20 deg
Aiming Time
2 s
Shell Types
Shell Velocity
1,050 m/s
1,250 m/s
760 m/s
Concealment of Moving Vehicle
Hit Points
2,000 HP
Concealment of Stationary Vehicle
Hull Armor
75/75/50 mm
Signal Range
720 m
Turret Armor
135/75/50 mm
View Range
390 m
Turret Traverse Speed
18 deg/s
Engine Power
980 h.p.
Specific Power
15.6 h.p./t
Traverse Speed
30 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
45/18 km/h

Note: The Moving and Stationary Concealment values for the 114 SP2 were changed; the correct values are shown here. For more Information, please see our dedicated article.

Display Your Mastery and Get Your Annual Reward!

Your Annual Reward will depend on the number of Rank Tokens you earn over all three Seasons of Ranked Battles 2021–2022. The more Rank Tokens you collect, the better the Annual Reward you receive. This year, among other prizes, you’ll have the opportunity to grab up to three pieces of improved equipment of your choice, from all equipment of this category, depending on your Annual Reward level. Each item can only be picked up once, so you better choose wisely!

Additionally, you can get your hands on:

Interactive image. Select a reward to check its contents and find out how many Tokens you need to receive it.
at the end of the Ranked Battles 2021–2022
at the end of the Ranked Battles 2021–2022
Small Reward
Standard Reward
Advanced Reward
Maximum Reward
Small Reward
Tokens required
Reward contents
Bronze League: Legacy 2D style
1,000 bonds
Standard Reward
Tokens required
Reward contents
An item of improved equipment of your choice
Bronze League: Legacy 2D style
Advanced Reward
Tokens required
Reward contents
114 SP2
2 items of improved equipment of your choice
Silver League: Legacy 2D style
Garage slot
Maximum Reward
Tokens required
Reward contents
114 SP2
3 items of improved equipment of your choice
Golden League: Legacy 2D style
Garage slot

Any remaining Rank Tokens will be converted into bonds at the end of the third Season.

New Items for Bonds

Shortly before the start of Ranked Battles 2021–2022, on September 2, we'll update the list of items available for bonds in the in-game Store. You’ll be able to exchange bonds for the various items below:

VIII FV1066 Senlac   8,000 
VII IS-2 shielded   6,000 
VIII T-103   8,000 
VIII WZ-111 Alpine Tiger   8,000 
"Sakura Storm" 450 
"Such camo, much wow" 450 
"Ice Shelf" 450 
"Into Space!" 450 

Reach the Second Division and Redeem Unique Items!

When you reach the Second Division, you’ll be able to redeem exclusive Ranked Battles items for Bonds. These valuable goodies will be available for purchase with your personal cumulative discount, and the size of your reward will depend on your progress during the Season. We've added two more great vehicles to the Ranked Battles items list—check them out!

NEW!  IX Concept 1B 20,000 
NEW!  VIII Charlemagne 15,000 
IX Kampfpanzer 50 t   20,000 
VII Škoda T 45   12,500 
Exclusive Aquilifer 3D style for the Progetto M40 mod. 65 10,000 
Exclusive Blunt-Nosed Viper 3D style for the T-100 LT 10,000 

If you are a fan of heavies and enjoy aggressive gameplay, then the brand-new British Charlemagne, a Tier VIII Premium heavy tank, will become a valuable addition to your collection. This vehicle features solid frontal armor and great dynamics, so it can both support fellow heavies and push the enemy line with allied medium tanks. Its well-stabilized gun with –10 degrees of gun depression and a tough turret allow the Charlemagne to take full advantage of terrain on any map. Powerful and fast, this brawler is perfect for those who prefer to take the initiative on the field.

Get ready to fight hard and earn loads of sweet rewards in the updated Ranked Battles, Commanders!

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