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March Events Preview

01/03/2013 General News


Ah, March. The time of year when the first glimpses of spring begin to appear--at least here on the west coast. We know that your day to day activities can be dictated by the weather out in the real world, but in ours, the battles go on! Rain, sleet, or snow. To keep everyone excited for the month we've compiled the list of scheduled events for March.

If lists aren't your thing, or maybe you're just in a visual sort of mood today, you can find much of the same information at the events calendar.

Tank of the Month

Every month we'll pick one tank to zero-in on, give a bit of a history lesson, a few playing tips, and a hefty boost to the credit income for the whole month! This month's bonus goes to:

VII T71 T71

Weekend Events

We know that the weekend tends to be the time when our players can really dedicate themselves to wanton destruction on our battlefields. With that in mind, we prepare a set of various discounts and bonuses every week to help our tankers make the most of their gaming time.

  • Star Spangled Weekend - March 1 - 4
  • Medium Mayhem Weekend - March 8 - 11
  • Saint Patrick's Day Weekend - March 15 - 18
  • Operation Varsity Weekend - March 22 - 25

Tech Tree Focus

There are six nations represented in World of Tanks, with many branches, and consequently, many vehicles to buy. We know that your hard-won credits only go so far, so we put together a discount highlighting a different nation and branch just about every week.

  • Germany - March 4 - 8
  • France - March 11 - 15
  • China - March 18 - 22
  • USSR - March 25 - 29


Those coveted medals and awards are enticing all on their own, but we like to sweeten the pot each week with a new bonus attached to earning a particularly presitigious achievement.

  • Confederate - March 4 - 8
    • 10,000
  • Steel Wall - March 11 - 15
    • 650 XP
  • Defender - March 18 - 22
    • 15,000
  • Defender - March 25 - 29
    • 1250 XP

Other Happenings

Even though we've got nearly every day of the month covered, we have several other events set to transpire this month.

  • Creative Contest (get ready to be a poet) - March 5 - 17
  • Who Shot the Sheriff - March 29 - April 1
  • Crash of the Titans MVP - March 19 - 24
  • Wargaming Tank Company - March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29