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Lords Detected

07/07/2011 General News

One of the most difficult contests to judge and as a result one of the most biased contests ever has been over. Having looked through many pages of contest entries the judges got overwhelmed and it took quite a while for them to arrive at final decision.

The judgment’s been done and we are ready to congratulate the winners!

The victory and 5,000 gold go to dafun for his masterwork, depicting himself and in-game tanks. By the way, his second submitted work is intriguing too.

Heckenschutze gets 3,000 gold for his seeing of tanks world.

The third lordliest picture belongs to mordreadx and brings him 1,500 gold. We consider his noteworthy idea of tank flakes to be quite funny.

However female part of WoT team appeared to be generous and prolonged the list of winners stating that it is a shame that not all the contestants will get prizes. More contestants will get prizes! 750 gold will be enrolled to their accounts as a special prize from ladies of different departments of

Here goes the list of awardees:

gponizuka  and his contest entry

Highlighter's image

chuckdevore's picture

Giantstalker's image

Congratulations everyone!
