Lionsgate Movies for Less!

World of Tanks in collaboration with Lionsgate, the studio that produced such films as Midway, Rambo: Last Blood, and Hacksaw Ridge, has special exclusive offers only for U.S. players!

If you are a registered World of Tanks player, you will be sent an email that contains a redemption code (if you don't see the email, please check your spam folder). Code delivered via email can only be used once.

Once you get the email, all you need to do is visit the following URL:


Then follow these directions:

1. Choose Your Movies

Choose any 2 movies from the 5 offered titles and click "Add To Cart".

2. Choose your Payment Option

Pay with Credit Card, PayPal, or Apple Pay

3. Get Confirmation

Enter your email and hit "CONFIRM". You'll then receive a receipt and email confirmation.

4. Redeem Your Movie

Select your prefered retailer and your movie will be added to your movie library.

Movie selections are updated each month!

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