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Ladies in WoT!

28/07/2011 General News

They know how to deal with tanks and tankers! They are true Ladies Tank! And here the list goes:

The winner of the contest is zombieshindig whose patriotic work inspired WOT team most of all. The ultimate lady tank will be awarded 5,000 gold.

The first Vice Lady Tank is Andruski’s 5-months old daughter who is already a dedicated tanker! Her devotion to tanks brings her father 3,000 gold.

xxtaylorxx gets the third prize for her confession of being a camper! Her award is 1,500 gold.

Like in Lord of the Tanks we also have a whole bunch of ladies to congratulate on getting special prizes.

The prize of the Art department and 750 gold go to ChocolateVillain for the cheeky idea of painting the tank purple.

Karabiner98Kurz gets a special prize and 750 gold from the Community department for the picture presented

Game designers gave their prize and 750 gold to Runzel for playing with Maus.

The Deployment and Operations department voted for the tank collection of WarStore presented by his girlfriend. The contest entry brings him 750 gold 

Programmers have chosen CdtWeasel’s contest entry as their favourite work. A prize of 750 gold goes to her.

The style of sourwop’ s work was highly appreciated by the QA department. It brings the author 750 gold.

Fwb_Schultz’s wife was titled Lady Tank by the PR and Marketing department and it brings the couple 750 gold.

Congratulations to all the winners! The gold will be enrolled to your accounts within a week.
