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IS-5: The New Battlefield Tyrant

03/06/2015 General News

The 9.8 update brings a new member of the IS tank family—the IS-5, a new special Premium vehicle at tier VIII in the Tech Tree of Soviet heavy tanks.

This article includes information about the IS-5 and its features, as well as suggestions on how to use it on the battlefield.

This is a Clan reward vehicle; it will not be available for normal sale. Players will have a chance to win the IS-5 in the upcoming in-game event on the Global Map. Details will be provided separately.

Vehicle Features

Ammunition: The IS-5's default shell is APCR (Armor Piercing, Composite, Rigid) instead of AP (Armor Piercing), giving it a default armor-piercing rating of 221mm, compared to 175mm with the AP shell. The IS-5 can take on almost any opponent, even tier IX tanks, with confidence.

Mobility: Relatively good mobility for a heavy tank enables the IS-5 to position itself in the center of the action and quickly change positions on the battlefield. The power-to-weight ratio of the vehicle is 14.07 hp/t—one of the best among heavy tanks of tier VIII; in this area the IS-5 comes second only to the much lighter French heavy tanks.

Armor: The armor on the IS-5 is also impressive and allows the tank to survive in heavy combat. The geometry of the hull and turret will cause headaches for opponents: in particular, the so-called “pike nose”—the special orientation of the upper glacis plates—ensures a high chance of ricochets.

View Range: The IS-5 has the best view range of the Soviet tier VIII heavy tanks: 360 meters. While view range is not the strongest point of Soviet heavy tanks, the IS-5 does stand out among its peers.

Aiming: The 122mm D-25ТА gun has the shortest aim time among the guns of the Soviet tier VIII heavy tanks. This, combined with good armor-penetration ability, make this gun a reliable weapon in any encounter.

Profitability: The IS-5 is a Premium vehicle, so its combination of increased profitability and good firepower make it an outstanding “harvester” of Credits.

Tactical Role on the Battle Field

The specifications of the IS-5 make it an exemplary heavy tank, equally capable in both attack and defense, even when outnumbered. The IS-5 is fast enough to move quickly to a battlefield hotspot, while its armor and gun give it a good chance of emerging victorious from the engagement.

The IS-5 is a perfect choice for players who prefer an aggressive style of play, including close-range brawling and individual assaults of the enemy's defense. However, given that the IS-5’s gun is not particularly accurate, it's best used in close and mid-range engagements where its firepower will be most effective.

Historical Note

In the late 1940s, three heavy tanks were in service with the Soviet army: the IS-2, IS-3, and IS-4. However, none of these tanks were suitable candidates for a long-term main heavy tank role. Despite good characteristics, the IS-7 turned out to be too heavy. As a result, at the end of 1948, Soviet command issued an order for a new heavy tank design to be based on the IS-4’s chassis and armor and the IS-3’s hull geometry. 

In April of 1949 the first prototype of the IS-5 was created; according to the specifications the new tank was to be a 50-ton combat vehicle on a 7-track-wheel chassis with a “pike-nose” hull. Initial tests showed that, in general, the prototype met the requirements and performed satisfactorily. The first batch of 10 tanks passed the factory test in 1949 and in April and May of 1950, the state test took place on the tank proving ground of the Armored Vehicle Research Institute in Kubinka. Following testing, the state commission recommended the IS-5 go into serial production as the Object 730. After a number of improvements, the tank entered service at the end of 1953.

Want an IS-5 in your Garage? Start preparing for the upcoming event on the Global map now: find a Clan in the Recruiting Station!
