Father's Day Weekend Super Special

It's Father's Day weekend, and to mark the occasion, we've got a special XP exchange rate, Gold and Credits discounts on...well, almost everything, and special missions — not to mention x2 Crew XP! Plus, if you've got a Premium vehicle collecting dust, put it to some good use! This weekend you can trade in old Premium vehicles to buy shiny new ones at a reduced price!

Remember: Father's Day is Sunday, June 17!

Discounts | Missions | Vehicle Trade-In

Father's Day Weekend Discounts

June 15-18, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

Bonus for Exchanging XP to Free XP: 1 Gold = 35 XP
Regular Vehicles Tier V: 50% Credits Discount
Regular Vehicles Tier VI-VII: 30% Credits Discount
Regular Vehicles Tier VIII-X: 15% Credits Discount
Premium Vehicles Tier VI-VII: 30% Gold Discount
Premium Vehicles Tier VIII: 15% Gold Discount
Camouflage: 50% Gold Discount
Emblems, and Insignias: 50% Gold Discount
Garage Slots: 50% Gold Discount
Consumables: 50% Credits Discount
Equipment: 50% Credits Discount

Father's Day Weekend Supply Raid Missions

June 15-18, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • Mission: Double Crew XP for Victory
  • Mission: Supply Raid #1
  • Mission: Supply Raid #2
  • Mission: Supply Raid #3
Mission: Double Crew XP for Victory


  • x2Crew XP


  • Be one of the top 10 XP earners on your team
  • Win the battle


  • All vehicles
  • Grand, Random, 7v7 unranked Team Battles, Skirmishes, and Strongholds
  • Repeatable
Mission: Supply Raid #1


  • 3xSmall Repair Kits


  • Be one of the top 10 XP earners on your team
  • Play three (3) battles


Mission: Supply Raid #2


  • 3xSmall First Aid Kits


  • Be one of the top 10 XP earners on your team
  • Damage 10 tanks over any number of battles


Mission: Supply Raid #3


  • 2xAutomatic Fire Extinguisher
  • 2xLarge First Aid Kit
  • 2xLarge Repair Kit


  • Be one of the top 10 XP earners on your team
  • Destroy 10 tanks over any number of battles


Vehicle Trade-In: Volume 4
(Putting the "Super" in "Super Special")

June 15-18, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

Are You Eligible?

You can trade in a tier VI-VIII Premium tank when you buy a new Premium vehicle from the tech tree of the same or higher tier. When trading in, half of the old vehicle’s value in Gold will be deducted from the price of the new one. Only one vehicle can be traded in at a time.

Vehicles That Can Be Traded In


Vehicles That Can NOT Be Traded In


How to Trade


Keep in Mind…

  • This feature is only available from June 15-18, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
  • Can only trade in vehicles of a lower or equal tier to the vehicle for purchase, and no lower than Tier VI
  • Only one vehicle can be traded per transaction
  • Gold price may be affected by Premium tank discounts
  • Ammo, equipment, and consumables loaded on the trade-in vehicle will automatically be dismounted and placed in the Depot for free
  • Camo, emblems, and inscriptions on the trade-in vehicle will go to the Depot; however, as they’re vehicle-bound, you can only use them again if you get the tank back in the future
  • Crew on the trade-in vehicle automatically goes the Barracks; if there aren’t enough free bunks in the Barracks, the trade-in won’t be possible
  • Trade-in vehicles can’t be restored using the in-game Restore feature
  • When trading in, you don’t need to buy an extra Garage slot, since the new vehicle will take the old vehicle’s slot

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