Coming Attractions for Autumn!

Frontline 2019: Episode 9. The season draws to an end, but this is a good chance to get your hands on the AE Phase I and, of course, participate in truly large-scale 30vs30 battles on two vast maps.

Sandbox. We plan to test the new mechanics for HE shells. Join up — your opinion matters!

Ranked Battles. The second season of Ranked Battles is not just a challenge for the best tank commanders, but a chance to earn worthy rewards, including a new Tier IX tank.

Halloween. Prepare yourself for the new exciting PvE event where you must fight evil in a sinister location that changes over the course of the battle.

Frontline 2019: Final Episode. Massive battles on two vast maps and the final push for big rewards: Episode 10 brings Frontline's 2019 season to a close.

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