Battle Pass Special: Peaky Blinders

Start: March 20, 2025 at 03:30 PT | 05:30 CT | 06:30 ET
End: March 31, 2025 at 14:30 PT | 16:30 CT | 17:30 ET

Meet the Shelby Family

The Shelby family enters the world of large caliber guns, bringing their guile, cunning, and grit. They know a thing or two about humble beginnings and are no strangers to fighting in the mud. Employ these rough, streetwise characters as voiced crew members—you won't regret it!
All crew members come with enough Crew XP to train three perks.
Play track
Tommy Shelby
The patriarch of his family and mastermind behind the Peaky Blinders' criminal empire, Thomas Michael Shelby is, in his own words, an extreme example of what a working man can achieve. Scarred by his wartime experiences, he can sometimes seem detached—but he's determined to secure his family's future.
Play track
Arthur Shelby
War veteran and a tortured soul with good in his heart but hands that belong to the devil, Arthur carries out the Peaky Blinders' dirty work—but he's more than a brutal enforcer. The eldest of the Shelby brothers is driven by an unshakeable loyalty to his family and a fierce desire to protect his siblings.
Play track
John Shelby
Like his older brothers, John bears the scars of being sent to fight in foreign lands as a young man–and shares their sense of loyalty, bravery, and honor. While he can be quick to act on impulse, his heart is in the right place. To protect those he loves, he will never shy away from a fight.
Play track
Ada Thorne
The only sister among the Shelby siblings, Ada initially seeks a life of glamour beyond the gritty realities of Small Heath, but her deep affinity for her family draws her into their business. Armed with a sharp intellect and a biting wit, she is a force to be reckoned with both inside and outside the family.
Play track
Michael Gray
A Shelby in all but name, Michael always harbored ambitions far bigger than the sleepy village he grew up in. Diligent and thoughtful, he is fascinated by the Peaky Blinders and the intrigues of Birmingham's criminal underworld—and eager to play his part in his cousins' ever-growing enterprise.

Another Fighting Tommy

"You don't get what you deserve. You get what you take." This fast medium tank with an autoloader is for those who live by the words of Tommy Shelby. It can offer you overwhelming firepower, unleashed in just a few seconds. Be as calculating and decisive as Tommy: Shape the moment when the risks you take will pay the biggest dividends!
Char Murat
Average Damage
390/390/480 mm
Average Penetration
248/300/53 mm
Shells in the Magazine
3 items
Time for Loading Between Shots
2.5 s
Aiming Time
2.7 s
Gun Reload Time
35 s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
60/20 km/h
Specific Power
18.9 h.p./t
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
−12/+15 deg
Hull Traverse Speed
45 deg/s
Turret Traverse Speed
40 deg/s

The Origins

Much like the lives of many characters from Peaky Blinders, the "Tommy" 3D style for the Char Murat is also defined by the Great War. And though the war has ended, its memory lingers in every man's mind, and every soldier carries it home in his heart.

The Shelby Family Values

The details of the style speak volumes about the things the Shelby boys hold dear. It is a symbol of their resilience and refusal to be broken. So, while the steel might be from France, the heart of this style was forged in the streets of Small Heath, Birmingham.
Rivets. During World War I, armored vehicles were in their infancy, and most tanks had their armor attached with rivets. This was because of their relative simplicity, corresponding to the level of technological development of the time.
Machine Gun Turret. A machine gun turret inspired by one of the most famous and widely used armored vehicles in the British Army during World War I—the Rolls-Royce Armored Car.
Car Headlights, Starter, Horn, Leaf Springs, Air Intake Grilles, and Spoke-Wheeled Rollers. Styled after vehicles of the interwar period.
Gun Cover. A part made in the style of World War I machine-gun covers.
Gasoline Can. A gasoline can from the 1920s to 1930s.
Spare Parts Crate. Styled after a travel chest mounted on interwar-period vehicles.
Emblems and Inscriptions. The graphic elements on the vehicle's hull refer to the military past and lawless present of the characters of the series. The "Tunnelers" emblem on the turret right above the character name is particularly noteworthy.
Firearms. The Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk. III rifle, familiar to the characters of the series from World War I, as well as the Thompson submachine gun. Guns like these were often used in underworld shootouts during the interwar period.

The Essentials

By order of the Peaky Blinders, claim a batch of fine wares and hire working people bound for success! We guarantee that everything is on the up and up and won't get you into trouble with the coppers, rebels, or competing gangs.
Base Rewards
Improved Rewards
Tommy Shelby
A crew member with unique voiceover and enough XP to learn three perks of your choice. You can select the nation and qualification.
Arthur Shelby
A crew member with unique voiceover and enough XP to learn three perks of your choice. You can select the nation and qualification.
John Shelby
A crew member with unique voiceover and enough XP to learn three perks of your choice. You can select the nation and qualification.
2D style: "Made in Birmingham"
A 2D style is a set of customization elements for all map types.
Decal: "Shelby"
Customization element.
Inscription: "Shelby Company Limited"
Customization element.
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
When activated, grants additional Combat XP based on battle results.
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free and Crew XP for 1 h
When activated, grants additional Free and Crew XP based on battle results.
WoT Premium Account
Provides access to many additional possibilities in the game.
The main game currency in World of Tanks.
Directives for equipment to select from
Directives for equipment increase the effect of mounted equipment. They can be purchased for bonds.
Bounty Equipment to select from
A special line of items available through various in-game events. Initially, it has the  parameters of standard equipment, but can be improved for credits.
A currency that can be used to purchase improved equipment, directives for equipment, and rare vehicles.
2D style: "Trusted Company"
A 2D style is a set of customization elements for all map types.
Decal: "By Order of the Peaky Blinders"
Customization element.
Decal: "Blinder"
Customization element.
Inscription: "Under New Management"
Customization element.
Inscription: "Peaky Blinders"
Customization element.
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
When activated, it grants additional credits based on battle results.
Personal Reserve: +100% to Combat XP for 1 h
When activated, it grants additional Combat XP based on battle results.
Free XP
A game resource that can be used to research any vehicule or module, as well as to train your crew.
The main game currency in World of Tanks.
WoT Premium Account
Provides access to many additional possibilities in the game.
Training Guides (France)
A game item that provides each crew member with 100,000 XP and is consumed when applied.
Universal fragments
Vehicle blueprint fragments are special game items that can be used to gain an XP discount when researching new vehicles.
Char Murat in the "Tommy" 3D style
A Tier IX French medium tank, with a crew and a Garage slot, as well as the 3D style "Tommy".

Peaky Bundles

Start: March 20, 2025 at 03:30 PT | 05:30 CT | 06:30 ET
End: April 6, 2025, at 10:30 PT | 12:30 CT | 13:30 ET
Two more Shelby family members are reaching out to strike a fair deal. Add Ada and Michael as your kin on the battlefield and pick up lucrative missions! But remember, in the Shelby world, deals don't last forever, so don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers!
Ada's Vision
  • Crew member: Ada Thorne
  • Three successive missions whose rewards are 800 components for Experimental Equipment, 20 Personal Reserves for 50% to credits for 1 h, and missions for ×5 XP.
Michael's Ambition
  • Crew member: Michael Gray
  • Five successive missions whose rewards are 500 bonds, 3 Training Booklets for each nation, a Universal Manual, and a Personal Training Manual, as well as missions for ×5 XP.

"Over the Top" – A Symphony of Ambition

Step into the world of Peaky Blinders with a specially composed track inspired by the show's grit, drama, and intensity. Let its haunting melody and powerful rhythm set the stage for your rise on the battlefield. Whether plotting your next move or savoring victory, this music will keep you in step with the Shelbys.
Aleksey Vanchuk Over The Top
Roll out and rise up like Tommy Shelby!
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