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Account transfer to SEA Server: Round Two

02/10/2012 General News


[UPDATED]  More than 8,000 highly experienced Tank Commanders have come onboard and are ready to roll out in SEA region. Be a part of this crew and fight alongside with them in Clan Wars and Tournaments suitable for you timezone.


Pass to Account Transfer

The account transfer option will be closed October 3rd at 13:00 UTC Time. So hurry up, do not miss your chance to get this unique opportunity for free.



In order to further improve the service that Wargaming provides, we have decided to once again open transfers to the South East Asia server cluster. In addition, the Wargaming South East Asia office will begin providing support for our players in Oceania.

As players in this region, you will have dedicated community and support staff, as well as events, contests and tournaments managed on the South East Asia cluster during hours that work best for you. Clan Wars will also be available to players during optimal Oceanic play hours on the South East Asia cluster in the near future, further improving the experience for you. Additionally, you will immediately notice a much-improved latency (ping) to the game server.

The transfer window is currently open, and will close on October 3, 2012. The transfer procedure itself will take place on the date of closure and will take approximately 48 hours to complete. This transfer is free of charge.

Use this unique opportunity to transfer your account to SEA region for free!

How to Transfer

Step 1: SEA Account Creation and Testing

  • Create an account (if it has not been created yet) on the SEA cluster with your desired nickname.
  • Log into the SEA cluster to see if the experience is desirable for you: note your latency compared to your current cluster, as well as general connection quality.
  • If you still feel you would like to transfer, move to the next step.

Step 2: Transferring Your Account

  • Leave the clan on your account at the server which you want to transfer from.
  • To apply for a transfer, please click here.
  • Refrain from purchasing any gold during the transfer period.


Terms & Conditions

  • A player must create an account on the SEA cluster.
  • Player must leave their current clan on the donor server (RU, EU, US).
    • Please note you will have to re create your clan on the new server, Wargaming will not automatically reinstate the clan.
  • Transfer will only be allowed from the RU, EU, US servers.
  • The account on SEA cluster will be completely replaced by the account on the server which you are transferring from.
  • There is a possibility of account suspension (up to 1 week) on both servers during the transfer.
  • Gold and packages bought from the Gift Shop on the SEA cluster account will be added to the account.