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WCG Canada Announces Online Qualifications

24/07/2013 Competitive Gaming


For those who did not have the chance to participate in the first qualification or simply want to compete again and try to win a seed, WCG Canada is having an online qualification. It will allow additional players to win their seeds for the 2013 National Final that will be held later this year. The winner of each game will also win a cash prize equivalent to half of the registration fees for their game.

Admission: The admission is $10 (non-refundable). Winners will also receive cash prizes based on the number of participants.

Pre-requirements: Every player must be a Canadian citizen or Canadian resident. A team must have at least four Canadian citizens and no more than three Canadian residents.

When: August 3 - 4, 2013 (a more precise schedule will be made availalbe prior to the qualifications)


  • 1st Place: 50% of the registration fees as a cash prize, free entrance and a preferred seed for the WCG Canada National Final. The seed guarantees that the players will reach the later stage of the tournament (i.e: Quarter-Finals or Semi-Finals).
  • 2nd Place: Preferred seed for the WCG Canada National Final
  • 3rd Place: Preferred seed for the WCG Canada National Final

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