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Wargaming League North America Finals

03/08/2013 Competitive Gaming


The League North America is pleased to announce that the WGLNA Season 1 Finals will be held at the Treasure Island Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada this August 17th and 18th.

The Treasure Island Ballroom will be home to two days of nonstop exciting World of Tanks action as the top 8 remaining teams in WGLNA Season 1 will compete for $100,000 in prizing. An impressive $50,000 will be awarded to the top team.

The performance of the teams in his Season's finals can potentially earn them an invitation to the, as yet unannounced, Global Final.

Congratulations for making it this far and good luck to our competitors!

Top Eight Teams

  • Fulcrum Gaming
  • Scurry Hard
  • Simple Tankers
  • River of Blood
  • SIMP
  • Nerve
  • Wreak Havoc
  • Cunninghams

Event Schedule

Quarterfinals: Saturday, August 17th at 13:00 PDT (16:00 EDT)

Semifinals: Sunday, August 18th at 13:00 PDT (16:00 EDT)

Final: Sunday, August 18th at 17:20 PDT (20:20 EDT)

A special ALL STARS vs. Casters and a WGLNA exclusive event, "The Death Race" will also be a part of the livestream. Be sure to tune in!

To get the latest updates for the WGLNA Season 1 Finals, join the event on Facebook. To watch the stream, be sure to bookmark the WGLNA stream page on

Roll out!
