Upcoming Changes to the Clan Wars Map


The North America region has grown quite a lot over the past year and the Clan Wars community is no exception. We've seen two Clan Wars Campaigns and the recent World on Fire event generate a significant growth in interest in Clan Wars, and the time has come to accommodate more Clans on our Clan Wars Global map.

In addition, we've also added official language support for Brazilian Portuguese and Argentinian Spanish, which has resulted in a sizable growth in these communities. We will also be adjusting the Prime Times available in our region in order to better facilitate this growth.

New Provinces

We will be adding 50 new provinces to the North America region, covering Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. You can see the complete list of provinces that are being added below.

New Provinces

Click below to see full details

ProvinceIncomeBattle Map
standard_prov Guatemala 360 Cliff
landing_prov Belize 240 Fjords
standard_prov El Salvador 240 Live Oaks
standard_prov Honduras 240 Serene Coast
standard_prov Nicaragua 240 Lakeville
standard_prov Costa Rica 240 Fjords
gold_prov Panama 2400 Abbey
landing_prov Cuba 480 Ensk
standard_prov Jamaica 240 Pearl River
standard_prov Haiti 240 South Coast
standard_prov Dominican Republic 480 Serene Coast
standard_prov Puerto Rico 600 Fisherman's Bay
standard_prov Tijuana, Baja California 240 Highway
standard_prov Ensenada, Baja California 360 Northwest
standard_prov Comondú 480 Airfield
gold_prov Los Cabos 2400 El Halluf
landing_prov San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora 96 Airfield
gold_prov Nogales, Sonora 2760 Siegfried Line
standard_prov Ciudad Obregón, Sonora 480 Sand River
standard_prov Moctezuma, Sonora 120 El Halluf
standard_prov Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua 120 Karelia
standard_prov Chihuahua, Chihuahua 240 Steppes
standard_prov Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila de Zaragoza 120 Redshire
standard_prov Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza 360 Karelia
gold_prov Nuevo León 3600 Prokhorovka
standard_prov Tamaulipas 600 Live Oaks
landing_prov Los Mochis, Sinaloa 240 South Coast
standard_prov Mazatlán, Sinaloa 360 Mines
standard_prov Victoria de Durango, Durango 360 Westfield
standard_prov Mazapil, Zacatecas 240 Sand River
standard_prov San Luis Potosí 840 Siegfried Line
standard_prov Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave 1200 Fisherman's Bay
standard_prov Michoacán de Ocampo 720 Malinovka
standard_prov Guanajuato 480 Karelia
landing_prov Guerrero 360 Cliff
standard_prov Mexico City 4080 Himmelsdorf
standard_prov Puebla 600 Sand River
standard_prov Costa 240 Mines
standard_prov Oaxaca, Oaxaca 360 Pearl River
landing_prov Istmo 240 Fjords
standard_prov Chiapas 1200 South Coast
landing_prov Tabasco 120 Komarin
standard_prov Campeche 600 Swamp
landing_prov Yucatán 120 Ruinberg
gold_prov Quintana Roo 3000 Ensk
landing_prov Nayarit 240 Northwest
standard_prov Guadalajara, Jalisco 240 Lakeville
standard_prov Guadalupe, Zacatecas 240 El Halluf
standard_prov Gómez Palacio, Durango 480 Mountain Pass
standard_prov Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 360 South Coast
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Landing Province Changes

Click below to see full details



When adding Central America, we will have two Landing Provinces on the US-Mexico border that become redundant, so they will be made into Standard Provinces. These provinces are:

Former Landing ProvinceIncomeBattle Map
standard_prov Coronado National Forest 480 Abbey
standard_prov Pecos, Texas 360 Steppes


In order to improve the accessibility of the Gulf Coast and the area around Arkansas/Missouri (and also to compensate for the loss of the two aforementioned Landing Provinces, the following province has been made into a Landing Province.

New Landing ProvinceIncomeBattle Map
landing_prov New Orleans, Louisiana 600 Redshire


This province has also had its income reduced to make it more similar to other Landing Provinces, and the value will be applied towards other provinces (see the "Adjusted Incomes" section for details).

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Defining a Better "Training Area"

An additional change that is being introduced at this time will be a re-adjustment of province incomes in the Arctic Circle. This lower-income area will be less attractive to the more experienced clans due to the better opportunities offered elsewhere on the map, and will allow newer and less-experienced clans a better opportunity to face other clans that are roughly at the same competitive level.

Province Value Changes

Click below to see full details



Note: While this may initially give the appearance that Gold was removed from the map, it was actually re-allocated to the new provinces.

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New Prime Times

There will be two new Prime Times added to our Clan Wars map with this update, both of which will be earlier than the current set that is in use. This will allow our players on the East Coast, who prefer to play earlier in the day, and our growing South American population to play Clan Wars at times that are more favorable.

Prime Time Changes

Click below to see full details

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Re-Balancing the Existing Time Zones

We have also taken this opportunity to balance the prime times across the Clan Wars map according to several factors, such as the total number of provinces, Gold value, high value targets, and landing provinces.

These changes will be made along with the 9.1 update to World of Tanks. There will be a short downtime associated with the launch, followed by a small launch event with several missions for clans to complete on the Global Map itself.

More specific details about the missions for this event will be available in a separate article to be published next week.


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