This Summer in Clan Wars

Hello Clan Wars players,

Clan Wars is getting ready for a round of hot changes for the summer! Read on:



  • June 26: Tier X Skirmishes will be disabled for the time being.

Players reported frequent queue timeouts in Tier X Skirmishes. Tier X Skirmishes will be disabled while we review this issue and overall Strongholds gameplay.


Some Strongholds tests will be running in July:

  • July 3-16: Team sizes in Advances reduced to 10v10. Battles are still Tier X.
  • July 10-30: Tier VIII detachments will have new requirements:
    • Minimum number of Clan players reduced from 10 to 2.
    • Maximum legionnaires increased from 3 to 8.
  • In July: War Games testing will restart.

You can post your questions and early feedback in this forum thread .

Global Map

Season 6 of the Global Map is beginning this summer! More details to come.

Absolute Clan Cup Tournament

Select your "A Team" to represent your Clan in an all out brawl!

Each Cup consists of three group stage days, with the top Clans earning Gold and Cup Points. After all four Absolute Clan Cups have been completed, the top 8 Clans move on to the Playoffs.

Playoffs offer prizing for the Clan PLUS all members of the Clan!

All the details can be found here .

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