Global Map Season 15: Evolution


We'd like to be the first to welcome you to Season 15 of the Global Map: Evolution!

Season 15 will last from September 15 through November 26.

During this Season, players will have access to the Workshop where they can produce Camouflage patterns and sets of Projection Decals. The Alliance Mechanic will be off, and quests will be the primary way for Clans to earn Gold. However, we are revamping the quest system to offer more diverse ways to earn Gold.

There will not be a Political Leaderboard this season. Instead, we will redistribute the Bonds that were normally slated for the Political Leaderboard to the Victory Point Leaderboard.

Global Map Season 15: Evolution

STARTS: Tuesday, Sept. 15, 05:00 PT | 07:00 CT | 08:00 ET
ENDS: Thursday, Nov. 26, 05:00 PT | 07:00 CT | 08:00 ET

The last of battles for Season 15 will be November 25.

Season 15 Workshop

During Season 15, players will have access to the Workshop where they can produce Camouflage patterns and sets of Projection Decals using resources earned after battles on the Global Map.

The amount of resources is the same for all team members and depends on the following factors:

  • Battle Outcome
    • Victory/Defeat: a clan will earn more resources for a victory
  • Number of Enemy Vehicles Destroyed
    • The more enemy vehicles destroyed, the more resources earned (vehicles destroyed at the end of the battle are counted, irrespective of who destroyed them)

Items that can be produced in the Workshop during Season 15:

  • Clan Elite Camouflage (Summer)
  • Rocky Desert Camouflage (Desert)
  • Winter Forest Camouflage (Winter)
  • Set of Decals
    • Sophie
    • Sabrina
    • Mariya

Scrap is the starting resource that can be used to receive other resources. Players can use Scrap in the Workshop to produce the following:

  • Coloring Materials
  • Solvents
  • Materials
  • Tooling.

Conversion from Scrap to another resource is instant.

Resources are used to produce components, such as:

  • Painting Booth
  • Painting Patterns
  • Paints
  • Primers

All components can be disassembled into resources. This process occurs instantaneously, but the number of received resources will be smaller than the number spent on assembly.

The components are used to produce Camouflage patterns. 

Only one item can be produced at a time. However, a production queue can be set.

Items in the production queue can be shifted within or removed from the queue. When removing an item from the queue (including the current one), the resources will be returned to the Depot in full.

In the Workshop, players can find the battle log. It will display the number of resources earned in all battles since the start of Season 15.

The Workshop will be available until the end of the season (November 26, 05:00 PT | 07:00 CT | 08:00 ET).
Once the Workshop stops, all unused resources and produced components will be deducted.
Items produced in the Workshop will be credited to the player's account immediately after production. Camouflage patterns produced will be credited immediately (three (3) items per nation, 33 items in total). Decals produced will be credited in sets of three (3) items for each Decal. The number of items that can be produced during the season is unlimited.

Interactive image. Produce the Clan Elite camouflage (summer) using components constructed from resources. Click to construct a missing resource using Scrap, then use the resources to produce a component.
Components for Production
Painting Booth
0 / 1
Painting Patterns
2 / 2
1 / 1
1 / 1
Resources for Producing Components
5 / 6
7 / 7
4 / 4
Scrap: 120 / 100

General Rules

Landing Tournaments and Auctions

The maximum number of applications for Landing Tournaments is 32. Please be aware that Clans cannot attack Landing Provinces by land.



The First Day and World Redivision

All Global Map Provinces will be considered Landing Provinces on the first day of the season.

After Prime Time, Provinces will switch to the main mode as per the general rules of this season

The number of applications for Landing Tournaments on the first day of the season will be 16.

If a battle for a Landing Province ends in a draw, it will count as a defeat for both challengers. 

General Settings

  • Ghost Clan Rules are ON.
  • Assigning victory points together with Gold is ON.
  • Starting Influence points: 1500
  • Firefly Provinces are OFF.
  • Alliances are OFF.
  • Quest System is ON.
  • Gold quests are ON.
  • Influence points quests are ON.
  • Battle offset feature is ON.
  • Income limit is set to 10. (You will only receive Gold for the 10 lowest provinces you own.)
  • Revolts are ON.
  • Pillages are OFF.
  • Partial refund of credits are ON.
  • Penalties are ON.

Dynamic Division Cost



Alley of Fame

Tier X Season Front
medal: style &

"Vanquisher" Style

"Clan Urban" Style

Participation Emblem:

Two-Digit Tactical Number:

4 10%
10% 50% "Clan Urban" Style
50% 75%

Bond Rewards

1 1 90,000 
2 2 75,000 
3 3 60,000 
4 6 50,000 
7 9 45,000 
10 12 37,500 
13  15 30,000 
16 17 20,000 
18 20 15,000 
21 30 5,000 
31 40 3,000 
41 60 2,250 


  • One (1) copy of a style is credited per account.
  • Three (3) copies of a specific camouflage are credited per nation. They cannot be switched after they've been applied to a vehicle.
  • Six (6) copies of the participant emblem, decal, and badge will be credited per account.
  • You must play at least five (5) battles on Global Map during Season 15.

What's Next?

Once Season 15 ends, we will freeze the Global Map. Any Influence that was accumulated over the Season (as well as Special Treasuries), will be reset at this time. 

If you would like to help decide the map-pool for future events, you can vote for your favorite maps here:


Good luck, and may the best Clan conquer the Globe! 

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