Winners of Tank Skin Contest

Design Your Tank Skin was a contest by World of Tanks, which required all warrior's imagination and creative skills involved. The participants were to make special covers for one of the following tanks: Soviet MS-1, German Leichtetracktor and American T-1 Cunningham, all rules observed.

Contestants made exceptional skins, vivid and funny, making us work hard over the decision. Now we are ready to announce the results of the contest!

Mugenjohncel made best Leichtetracktor skin and is the winner in this category. Second place goes to vix02, and the third place holder is Enderxenocid!

More than that, mugenjohncel doubled his winning as he made best MS-1 tank skin too. And surely, he will get both prizes! His work is followed by TekEve's skin, who takes second place, and third place holder tarakan.

And best T1 Cunningham skin's author is cynabal. The runner-up is Horseless and weikath9 occupies third place!

All the submitted works you can view here.

Winners of the contest will be awarded with 6,000 in-game gold for taking first place, 5,000 Gold for taking second place and 4,000 Gold for third place, correspondingly.

We thank you all for partaking and providing such good works and wish you good luck in further contests!

Stay tuned to World of Tanks!

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