MVPs: Team Hunt


World of Tanks launches the new contest, which will be held from this moment and till September 22nd 23.59 UTC (11.59pm UTC). During this period of time we expect our soldiers to achieve the best results in “Platoon of 2” and “Platoon of 3” categories. Of course, your aim is to hit as many frags as possible, and the more MVP points you get, the more chances you have to win. If you used to be a loner and are new to it, read the instruction on creating platoons.

The rules of the new MVPs: Team Hunt you can read in this thread. Please, post your screenshots there as well.

If your platoon turn out to be the best, each of its participants will be awarded with 10,000 Gold! Second place bring your 8,000 Gold for each, and the third prize-holders will enjoy 5,000 Gold each. Also we will give 3,000 Gold for the 4th place and 1,500 Gold for the 5th to each participant of winning platoons!

Gather to crush the enemy and see you on the battlefields!

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