Hymn Contest Winners!

The outrageous tankers were recently offered to come up with a glorious piece of poetry dedicated to World of Tanks, the fierce fights that take place on WoT battlefields, the steel beasts that wage the wars and anything related to the game.

The hymn to World of Tanks was not exceed the limit of 40 lines. At the same time the minimum size was 8 lines. And now we are glad to tell you who created best hymns!

First place goes to Wacht and his Tanks, which bring him 6,000 Gold. The second place and 4,000 Gold go to Oklahoma with his hymn.  Third place holder is pb5525, who gets 2,000 Gold for the hymn.

Besides that, due to the loads of submitted pieces of art, we decided to prolong the list of winners! Thus, fourth place goes to SgtKillum, whose hymn brings him 1,500 Gold! Fifth place and 1,000 in-game gold go to biggbaldwin, who created the following hymn.

And the five warriors will be awarded with 500 Gold each for their poems: Smilez91, Airrider, Drwulfe1, OvrDrive and G0NZ0!

Thanks for the masterpieces, guys and congrats on winning the prizes!

Good luck in further partaking and stay tuned!

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