Halloween Costume Contest finalists

Costume Contest

We received 49 submissions for the Halloween Costume Contest. Thank you too all the players that took the time to make these costumes! Some of then were quite interesting, some scary, and some tanky!

For two days, the whole NA staff was able to view the 49 pictures and vote on them. We initially were going to choose 10 pictures to post here for you to vote on, but we weren't able to decide, and so we decided to go ahead and have all of you vote on 12 pictures instead!

As stated previously, preference was given to those that were hand made. some of these costumes must have taken a lot of time and effort to create, and so we ask of you to put that into perspective when voting.

Also, it was NOT required to have a costume related to World of Tanks, but seeing you're all passionate tankers, many of the pictures sent in were of... tanks. We did not give preference to these, they were chosen solely on the quality and creativity of the costume and picture.

We hope you enjoy looking through these pictures, we certainly all had a blast checking them out here in the office! You have one week to vote on these pictures, the voting will end next Thursday at 4:30 PM PDT. 

Happy voting!

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