GameSpy: World of Warplanes Interview

"Nobody could have predicted that a Free to Play MMO about tanks would do so well, yet World of Tanks turned out to be a massive success story. So it was only natural that the developers would wheel out this potent formula once more, and the result is the upcoming World of Warplanes. We had a chat with the game's Producer, Anton Sitnikau, to discuss just how hardcore this game is going to be, what's the best way to fly the planes in the game, how many players will be in each match, and more. Read on for the full interview."

GameSpy speask to Anton Sitnikau, a World of Warplanes developer, who shares the details of the upcoming game project. He describes major peculiarities of WoWP, pointing out its gameplay and control options. Many of you may ask, will you need a joystick to get the best Warplane experience? And Anton replies: "Absolutely not! We're working really hard on developing the controls to make sure our players will have several options to choose from. The game already supports gamepads, joysticks, keyboards and mice. I personally prefer to use the keyboard because it requires less effort to operate the plane; however, some of my colleagues play with the mouse. Hardcore players that would like to get the maximum out of each battle will definitely use joysticks, but these encounters would be much more exhausting. In a nutshell, World of Warplanes will offer different control options that will appeal both to casual players that have never played a flight game before as well as the hardcore flight sim aficionados."

So read the interview to learn more about World of Warplanes and start preparing for the game!

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