Parody Song Contest


Ever get a song stuck in your head? Do you think the lyrics would be even better if they were related to World of Tanks? Show us that you've got the skills to pay the bills with your song writing and video making ability. We'll be happy to fork over a pile of gold to the songs that make us laugh the hardest, or earn our respect with their wit and verbal acrobatics.


  • Videos: You have until 23:59 PDT (02:39 EDT the following day) on April 29, 2013 to post a link to the video of your World of Tanks parody song, in the entry thread.
  • Lyrics: You have until 23:59 PDT (02:39 EDT the following day) on April 29, 2013 to submit of your World of Tanks song lyrcs via email to
  • After the entries have been submitted we will choose the top entries which will then be voted upon by the community.

Note: Keep in mind that all entries for this contest must adhere to the normal World of Tanks Game Rules.


  • 1st  Place:  20,000
  • 2nd Place:  18,000
  • 3rd Place:  16,000
  • 4th Place:  14,000
  • 5th Place:  12,000

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