We’ve pried open The Chieftain’s Hatch and confiscated confidential intelligence photographs of real world tanks. We’re going to need a bit of help deciphering just what the photograph means, though, and this is where you come in!
We’re holding a caption contest with the image found below, with a chance for you to take home a treasure trove of gold. We’ll be giving away prizes to the top three captions, as voted on by the community! Here’s how it’s going to work:
- Create a caption for the image listed below in Photoshop, Gimp, Microsoft paint or any other image editing software available to you.
- Submit the captioned image to events@worldoftanks.com with the subject “World of Tanks Caption Contest”
- Include your in-game nickname in the email
- Be sure to attach your image!
- Allowed image format: JPG
- Submissions must be sent in by October 6, 2011 at 11:59PM PDT.
- Ten finalists will be chosen by Wargaming America community staff on October 7, 2011 and posted on the forums.
- The community will then be asked to vote on the captions they like by using the “+” button in the bottom-right corner of each post.
- Voting will take place from October 7, 2011 and run through October 14, 2011 at 3PM PDT.
- One submission per-player only
- One prize per-player only
- 1st Place: 3,000 Gold
- 2nd Place: 2,000 Gold
- 3rd Place: 1,000 Gold
Add your caption to the image below and submit it to events@worldoftanks.com by October 6, 2011 at 11:59PM PDT!