Best Assaulters and Defenders

Most Valuable Players continue collecting frags on the battlefields of World of Tanks. This time we were to find out who the best Assaulters and Defenders are.

The rules of the contest were rather simple: to win in the Assault category players had to choose tier 3 – 4 Light tanks, or tier 5-6 Medium tanks, or tier 7-8 Heavy tanks. Alternatively tier 4-5 TD's could be used. The rules of earning MVP points were the following: each capture point counted as 1 MVP point. Only random battles results were considered (not training, company or clan wars battles).

The winner in the Defense category had to defend the base and each defense point was equal 1 MVP point. For this category the following vehicles were allowed: tier 5-7 SPGs, tier 5-6 Medium tanks, tier 7-8 Heavy tanks and tier 4-5 TDs.

Many tankers proved being excellent warriors, producing good battle performance. And now we are ready to name the winners of MVP: Assault and Defense contest!

The results in the Assault category are as follows:

  1. markrimn – 299 points (3,000 gold)
  2. Karadur_Zero - 289 points (2,500 gold)
  3. Captain_Birdseye - 282 points (2,000 gold)
  4. d2Stimpi - 281 points (1,000 gold)
  5. Ape_Drape - 273 points (500 gold)

The results in the Defense category are below:

  1. Geen – 284 points (3,000 gold)
  2. Vash8349  - 283 points (2,500 gold)
  3. CptMurasa - 247 points (2,000 gold)
  4. werdnari - 245 points (1,000 gold)
  5. Vuelhering - 184 points (500 gold)

We congratulate our winners and thank all participants for producing good results! 

Stay tuned!

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